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Joan Llull
Professor, IAE-CSIC
Associate Research Professor, BSE

Welcome to my website. I am a Research Professor at the Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC), and Associate Research Professor at the Barcelona School of Economics. I am also an External Fellow at CReAM (UCL) and an IZA Research Fellow. I graduated from CEMFI in 2011.

I am the Data Editor of the Econometric Society for its journals Econometrica, Quantitative Economics, and Theoretical Economics, and Editorial Board Member of the Review of Economic Studies. I have also served as Data Editor at Economic Journal and Econometrics Journal, as Associate Editor at SERIEs—The Journal of the Spanish Economic Association and as Guest Editor at Labour Economics, the Journal of the European Association of Labour Economists.

My research interests are in Labor Economics and Structural Microeconometrics. My current research focuses on immigration, internal migration, occupational mobility, inequality, human capital accumulation, technological progress, and labor market frictions. I initiated and have continuously (co-)organized the Structural Microeconometrics and Migration sessions at the Summer Forum of the BSE.

In 2018 I was awarded a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant for my project "Dynamic Modeling of Labor Market Mobility and Human Capital Accumulation (DYMOLAMO)". This project, which runs until January 2025, allowed me to provide a deeper understanding of the interrelations between labor mobility (mostly geographical, but also occupational) and human capital accumulation. The projects focuses on internal and international migration, providing empirical analyes using data for the United States and Spain.

In 2023 I was awarded a European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant for my project "Optimal Immigration Policy (OPIMPOL)". This project, which is expected to run for a period of five years starting on February of 2025, will provide a unified framework to quantify the optimal immigration policies. These policies, broadly defined, are aimed to maximize the surplus from immigration, compensate potential losers from it, internalize the consequences of policies for developing countries, and foster integration of immigrants in the labor market. While the empirical analyses are conducted using data for the United States, the framework and the conclusions are expected to be usable in other contexts.

I am the Scientific Director of the Economics of Public Policy Master at the Barcelona School of Economics. I have taught different graduate courses on a broad set of topics in Microeconometrics (see my teaching here). I also teach courses on Migration and Structural Microeconometrics at the Labor Economics and Microeconometrics BSE Summer Schools.

This cloud summarizes the most frequent words I use in (some of) my papers:

Research interests